Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Legend of Fall(Squash)--Green day will meets...

I think it is also about winter squash, and the giant one: pumpkin, although I didn't work in the kitchen, no doubt it is part of the kitchen. But I swear I didn't eat the discarded part. 
It is the pumpkin that colores fall orange, isn't it?


It is actually my second pumpkin after I came to the States, and I did want to so something different.

The original idea is about ?? ( it will be revealed later) but it is not cool to carve ?? on the pumpkin. Then something heavy metal came to my mind, but it looks difficult, so at the end, I thought of 'Green Day'...
It is the cover of green day's album(21 center breakdown), the background is the flame and it is orange, the other parts are black. This is coincidently  how a carved pumpkin works after lighted up in the dark. Wonderful!

It is still a challenging project, so I think I need someone to support me. So  when I feel weak or unconfident,  I will have someone to make a complain to. It is such a best choice, because my frinend gave me so much encouragement, and really can understand what I am going to do. (ps: it is one that's carved an orange pepper)
Thank you, my friend

Tool and Design:
I wish I could have some proffessionl ones  to make me work easier. And if I have the right tool, I can do the inner surface to make it as the brick wall.

Finished under the light:

It is ugly.. But ..
Light it up :

Well, it starts to get dried out and collapse,  so sad. But we will see:
Green Day will eventually meet whom??

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