Quoted the original word I told to Xiao danan, I LOVE that pan to DEATH!
It is so pretty, love the red color, underneath is bacon, walnut and raisin couscous.
The new book I got is also talking about something happened to the author(the prince) in the culinary school. as he said, he had to eat what he made, so as long as he had class, he would have food. It sounds a little horrible for me, I can't eat that much, I want to be a skinny chef !! And since it's about learning , so no too much variety, for example, if today's topic is about eggs, that means you have to eat eggs that are boiled, baked, scrambled, poached; with mushroom, with basil, with cheese... I guess one important qualification for a good chef is you should never be sick of any kind of food, no matter how much you have had ^^
No 17, opened@0916200910AMCan't help, bought Special K again; I often imagine a day that each meal comes with Special K, but never make it:
Morning: smoothie;
Lunch salad( it's really good with sweet dressing ,apple cider vinaigrette, cranberry walnut, even wasibi one or balsamic syrup, much more healthy than croutons);
Dinner : one kind of sweet soup: carrot soup/Gazpacho(never like oyster cracker);
Maybe I should recommend myself to Kellogg Company and show them my big 'K' , and they might award me a honour customer, and I would enjoyfree Special K for life, never knows >_<
If my life had only 1 year left, one of my wishes would be to try the food prepared by Iron Chef...
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