Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Low carb tortilla-- pulled ox tail and port pear mushroom salsa taco from last meal

For the leftover, the only thing I could think of is taco. But the sauce and pear is almost gone, so I have to make more. Can I call it salsa?

Sauté some onion, mushroom, pear with butter add port, beef stock or paste, honey, thyme, rosemary, boil until the water is gone.

The surprise is I found a low carb totilla in the store, only 120 cal /piece and 11 fibers, unbelievable, and it is so soft, unlike those whole wheat ones. I had been afraid of tortilla because of the carbs. Now I think I am free to have taco, burrito, maybe I can make burrito for lunch. Everything is going up, it is kind of torching me to pay for some awful food . I told E my cooking is getting better and I am more confident about myself, IT IS! ( XGs said he eventually saw me look confident and that was when I talked about my cooking; He knows how awkward I was about school last semester) And last night, I went to my friends' house and made them awesome steak. It came out so good, I am proud of myself.

PS: Thanks for XGs' supporting, he told me he checked my blog in different places to increase the unique visitor number of my blog. But for some reason, google analystic looks not working well recently. Still, thank you, I will remember to call you when I have gourmet plans : p

1 comment:

  1. Hey, this one has been the top one for a while, can't wait to see something new...


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