I have read many recipes about coffee rub, it's so interesting, it's something that I am not able to imagine, so I must have a try to know how it tasteS like.
Using a recipe from foodnetwork, basically besiedes Ground Coffee,
Chill powder, paprika----so it is spicy, I was afraid too spicy, so less chili powder, more paprika
Groun ginger
Dry mustard( I don't have that by hand, going to get some and mix in later)
Fresh ground pepper
I was so nervous, because it smells OK after mixed them together.
When I cooked it using my GRIDDLE, it sent out a lot of smoke, I think it was from coffee, or from smoke paprika, I don't know but it is actually like a smoker!
I used thermometer, 130F or so .
I know it sounds horrible for sK, but you know what, there is no coffee's bitter at all but bold, smoky, like a blacken style( it's not burned!) . I like it. But I still want to have another try, because there are too many ingredients, I am afraid the others cover the coffee flavor. so I wll have another try later, with only coffee, salt pepper, so I can know how coffee exactly work here.
My rub:
The background of steak is so funny, make my rib-eye not elagent at all ~~~~